A public meeting on the recent Supreme Court Judgement | April 6, 2018


  • Maharashtra Palliative Care Network (MPCN), Mumbai
  • Forum for Medical Ethics Society (FMES), Mumbai
  • Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation (NSF) and ELICIT, Mumbai

Venue: Choksi Auditorium Complex. Lecture Hall. 2nd floor Golden Jubilee block. Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai
Synopsis: The issue of Right to Life and Liberty as a subject is of interest to varied
disciplines, including medicine, palliative care, law, human rights practitioners, and indeed civil society as a whole. The proposed meeting provided a platform for diverse opinions and help us collectively draw implications of the judgment.
Speakers: Leni Chaudhuri, Dr. Armida Fernandez, Roop Gursahani, Dr. Sunita Bandewar, NSF & MPCN SNEHA & MPCN ELICIT & MPCN FMES
