Books : 2018-19

Case Studies in Pharmacy Ethics Shobha RaniRHiremath, Olinda Timms



Publication date: December 2019
Publisher: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka


Ethics in Dental Practice Vaibhavi Joshipura, Olinda Timms



Publication date: December 2019
Publisher: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka


Healers or Predators? : Healthcare Corruption in India Samiran Nundy, Keshav Desiraju and Sanjay Nagral

This hard-hitting volume shows a mirror to society and, more specifically, to those associated with the health sector—on how healers, in many cases, are shifting shape to becoming predators. In the essays by contributors from within and outside the medical fraternity, we see the many faces, the many facets of corruption—from exorbitant billing by corporate hospitals to the non-merit-based selection in medical colleges to questionable motives playing strong in the area of organ transplantation. Healers or Predators? comes with a Foreword by Amartya Sen.   ISBN: 9780199489541, Publication date: 20/07/2018, Hardback, 692 pages


Equity and Access: Health Care Studies in India. Purendra Prasad, Amar Jesani, and Sujata Patel

Equity and Access attempts to unravel the complex narrative of why inequities in the health sector are growing and access to basic health care is worsening, and the underlying forces that contribute to this situation. It draws attention to the way globalization has influenced India’s development trajectory as health care issues have assumed significant socio-economic and political significance in contemporary India. The volume explains how state and market forces have progressively heightened the iniquitous health care system and the process through which substantial burden of meeting health care needs has fallen on the individual households. Twenty-eight scholars comprising social scientists, medical experts, public health experts, policy makers, health activists, legal experts, and gender specialists have delved into the politics of access for different classes, castes, gender, and other categories to contribute to a new field of ‘health care studies’ in this volume. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach within a broader political-economy framework, the volume is useful for understanding power relations within social groups and complex organizational systems. ISBN: 13: 9780199482160Publication date: 2018, Hardback,


TORTURE IN INDIA Practice, Impunity and Prevention.  Amar Jesani and Jinee Lokaneeta

India is home to multiple languages, cultures, religions, and ethnicities. It takes pride in its diversity and has striven to promote a composite system. At the same time, diversity is associated with conflict and chronic social violence, from which the state has protected, albeit inadequately, the most vulnerable — including lower castes, tribal people, religious and ethnic minorities, the poor in general, and women.  Publication date: 2018, Hardback, p. 48
