Introduction to Research Ethics with Focus on Research Involving Adolescents and Youth


  • Forum for Medical Ethics Society, Mumbai in collaboration with
  • The Center of Excellence on Adolescents and Youth, Tata Institute of Social Sciences/ UNFPA

Host: Prof. Dr Shalini Bharat, Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Dates and Time: Sept 7, 8, 9, 2017 | 1000 am to 0530 pm
Venue:  Room 602, Guest House, Old Campus, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Course Director and Curriculum development: Dr Sunita Sheel


  1. Dr Sunita Sheel Bandewar, FMES, IJME; Founding Trustee, Vidhayak Trust, Pune.
  2. Dr Amar Jesani, Editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME)
  3. Prof Dr Shalini Bharat, Deputy Director (Acad.), Professor, Centre for Health & Social Sciences, School of Health Systems Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
  4. Prof Sujata Sriram, Dean, School of Human Ecology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Goal: To enable participants to appreciate the salience of research ethics in upholding scientific integrity of research enterprise in general; and identify and apply the methods of ethical reasoning to social science research in health with special focus on adolescents and youth (A&Y).


  1. Introduce and orient participants to the concept of research ethics with focus on social science and health research involving A&Y, and its relevance to contemporary research.
  2. Strengthen capacity – knowledge and skills – of participants to understand and identify ethical issues in relation to research involving A&Y, and to appreciate salience of scientific integrity of research, promote and implement international standards.
  3. Strengthen understanding of specific concepts in research ethics (privacy, confidentiality, standard of care, informed consent process, collaborative research, publication ethics, and research integrity); and appreciate research ethics challenges specific to research designs, special groups with enhanced vulnerabilities; situational vulnerabilities in the context of research involving A&Y.
  4. To learn to use ethical reasoning to respond to aforesaid challenges posed by social science and health research; and enhance skills in operationalizing the research ethics principles in practice.
  5. Introduce and draw upon the key international and Indian ethics guidance in relation to research involving A&Y.

Learning method: Adult learning, interactive method, skill building through ethics case studies, short video/film viewing; and short, focused presentations

Course participants: Researchers from the host institute, NGOs and other academic institutes who have been involved in research with adolescents and youth constituencies

                   Training Schedule